Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2023 12:42 PM
The Spring 2023 City Guide is now available online and will be delivered to your mailboxes this week, February 20 to 24.
In this issue read about how clear bags increased recycling participation over the past year and using shared use paths in the city. Learn about scheduled bulk and metal waste pick-ups this spring as well as caring for your trees and shrubs. Find out about the successful 2022 season for cruise ships in St. John's and what 2023 looks like for cruise ship visits. All in this issue...
Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2023 12:34 PM
On Monday, August 22, thousands of fans crowded the streets of downtown St. John’s to get a glimpse of Stanley Cup champion Alex Newhook. Alex spent his day with the Cup amongst friends and fans here in St. John’s. At a celebration on George Street that day, Mayor Breen announced plans to commemorate Alex and his stellar career with a mural to be placed outside the DF Barnes Arena.
“Aside from all the hockey accolades, Alex is a remarkable young man with a dedication to local charities and a...
Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 02:12 PM
A public meeting will take place regarding a rezoning application for land at 366-374 Empire Avenue.
DescriptionThe City has received an application to rezone land at 366-374 Empire Avenue from the Apartment 1 (A1) Zone to the Residential 3 (R3) Zone to accommodate a townhouse development on a new public cul-de-sac. Townhouse is a permitted use in the R3 Zone. A Municipal Plan amendment is not required.
Date and time7 p.m., Tuesday, March 21, 2023
H.G.R. Mews Community Centre...
Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 01:58 PM
Promulgation Notice
Take notice that the St. John’s Municipal Council has enacted the St. John’s Heritage (Amendment No. 2-2023) By-Law.
The said By-Law was passed by Council on the twentieth day of February, A.D., 2023, so as to provide Council with the discretion to exempt registered charities from the Heritage Design Standards.
All persons who wish to view such Regulations may view same at the Office of the City Solicitor of the St. John’s Municipal Council at City Hall, and any person who...
Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 12:38 PM
The deadline to submit nominations for the Applause Awards has been extended to March 2, 2023.
The City’s civic awards program recognizes individuals, groups and organizations whose outstanding contributions and achievements help make our city a great place to live, learn, work, play and visit.
Nominations are open for over a dozen awards in seven major award categories.
Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 10:47 AM
Residents are invited to provide input into the development of the City of St. John’s new Heritage Plan which will guide the city in managing, maintaining, and protecting our heritage resources in the future. The plan will align with the Envision St. John’s Municipal Plan and the Heritage By-Law.
“I encourage all residents of St. John’s to get engaged and help inform our heritage plan, which will set out goals and objectives for preserving heritage for the next 10 years,” said Councillor Maggie...
Posted on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 10:55 AM
Motorists are advised that Springdale Street, between Water Street and George Street West, will be closed from Feb 21 to March 17 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to facilitate the ongoing construction of the JAG Hotel. A traffic detour will be in place.
The City of St. John’s apologizes for any inconvenience. For more details or to report an issue, contact Access St. John’s by calling 311 or 754-CITY, via the app 311 St. John’s, or by email
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